Monday, July 04, 2005

Febrile Seizure

Nicholas suffered a febrile seizure this afternoon. It is, without a doubt, the most terrifying experience I have ever had. You feel totally helpless.

Nicholas spent the evening at Parklands Hospital. Amanda stayed with him and Morgan and I enjoyed the evening together.

We also had some excitement a few days ago. Barely 48 hours in the new house and there was an attempted theft of Amanda's car. Fortunately, our neighbour across the road saw the thieves at work and fired warning shots. They got such a fright that they left their phone, shoes and tools behind. We are very fortunate to have the neighbours that we do. There is also a very strong patrolling presence in the area from the various security companies. We have joined up with the best security company in the area.

PS: See Google for more links to information on febrile seizures. This is "must" reading for parents or prospective parents.